Launching the Year of Meditation

New Year's greetings to you! I hope that 2022 is fulfilled with the joys of practice, friendship and compassionate action. 

I am excited to share our focus for this year on the path of mediation and mind training.  The Buddha offered many wonderful practices that support a wise and easeful approach to life's ups and downs.  His teaching on meditation and mental development includes techniques that support mental clarity and peace. Our hope is that by the end of 2022 you will have a kit bursting with tools on how to effectively work with your mental states, that inspires you to practice, dive deeper and engaging compassionately in as many situations as you can manage! 

The year begins with a 5-week series led by me on how to prepare the ground for effective mediation practice. Following that we’ll explore key Buddhist teachings on meditation.  This includes series on the 2 main meditation practices: mindfulness with the breath as a key anchor, and the cultivation of a loving and kind heart. We’ll explore how meditation supports the development of concentration leading to joy and equanimity, and how to cultivate insight or clear knowing of how things are.

In essence, we will practice together and have opportunities to explore both the familiar and new practices. We look forward to going deeper together and taking on new challenges. We we especially look forward to seeing you there. 

Love Padmadharini


Statement on the passing of Thich Nhat Hanh


Why I sit in the morning - by Mark Ludak