What Does Buddha Day Mean to Us?

As we geared up to celebrate Buddha Day this May, we wanted to take a moment to ask some of the members of our sangha what Buddha Day means to them. Here are their responses: 

"Buddha Day is a reminder of what is possible and achievable. I love the annual, ritual reminder that Shakyamuni went forth, again and again, and overcame inner struggles until he found what he was looking for. It is always a delight to be in community around this time, surrounded by friends who share a similar aspiration to look deeply into ourselves, and open our hearts to struggles and the peace that results from facing them."
— Ananta

"Reflecting on the celebration of the Buddha's enlightenment provides an opportunity to appreciate the great fortune of this human birth. Because I am alive in this realm, I have the opportunity to learn about and practice the principles of Buddhism. I can choose to focus my mind, heart and spirit energies on ethical and moral development and use my life to be of service. I don't have to be lost or overwhelmed. While there is suffering, there is also a path out of suffering. By pursuing that path, I have the opportunity to alleviate my own suffering and that of others. There is a deep satisfaction and contentment in that." 
— Joy

"Buddha Day is a rejoicing in the enlightenment of The Buddha. His teachings have had a profound impact on my life and millions of others for over 2500 years. The Buddha's insatiable search for the true existence of reality, freedom from suffering for all sentient beings and liberation through "waking up" gives rise to human potential for all who follow his path. He is a true refuge and Buddha Day is a reminder of his great wisdom and compassion."
— Laura

"Buddha Day - a day and night to reflect on the birth, enlightenment, and death of Siddhartha Gautama. It offers time to pause, catch a breath, offer a poem, and move on.

Sitting at the shrine-
a gesture with the breath.
The luminous moon
plants seeds of awakening.
Three morning Crows wheel and caw.
— Mark

"Buddha Day is always an eventful day for me, as it is a great time to acknowledge and celebrate the first jewel. Without the Buddha's enlightenment none of us would be on this spiritual path. For me, the Buddha represents our ultimate potential and is a daily inspiration to continue to practice on the cushion and off the cushion."
— Todd

Warm wishes,
Ananta, Ange, Joy, Mark, and Samayasri
The Triratna NY-NJ Council


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