Triratna NY•NJ 2022 Finance Report

2022 was a steady year for us—we received a total of $14,581.65 income, of which $14,257.12 was spent across our activities, resulting in a small profit of $324.53.

As a result, we have been able to: 

  • Run our weekly programs, including: 6 multi-week Tuesday night courses, regular Mitra study, morning meditations, regional sangha events, put on two residential retreats, and run bespoke events such as the Breathworks Champions course and Recovery Evenings

  • We have also supported a range of people to get on retreat: we gave four scholarships to those in financial need, and we also supported five of our teachers and Council Members to 2 retreats, plus the retreat leader. 

  • We supported Viveka, one of our Presidents, to visit and retreat the November retreat at Dharmakaya, during which she provided counsel to the Council and spiritual friendship to many.

  • We have been stepping boldly into our new communications tools, tweaking them and enhancing our presence on social media, supported by the hiring of a dedicated Communications Manager.

As always, we very much appreciate the support each and every one of you brings to the sangha. Ideally, we would love to expand and grow and raise as much as we can wherever we can to create more right livelihood roles and bring the three jewels to all.

Below, you can learn about our “Dana Economy” and how to be part of it. 

Dana Economy

This Dana economy we are creating encourages each of us to contribute a monthly amount that works for you. We’d love to grow the sangha and the types of events we hold, and we’d love to grow the monthly Dana amount even further this coming year.

Just to remind you—when you set up a monthly Dana amount, this means you can attend any of the courses, meditations, and sangha activities, as many as you want throughout the year. And we encourage you to do so!

Other events like off-site retreats and Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshops require additional costs for us, and while we do our best to minimize costs, they do require an extra investment for the ones you wish to join. However, as you know, we strive to make Buddhism and meditation accessible to all and encourage people to contact us if their current financial situation means any advertised cost is a barrier (this is the Dana economy in action).

Some suggestions:

  • If you are on a fair income, you could give $100 or more a month

  • On a more constrained income, you could offer around $10 a week (~$45 a month)

  • Those who feel this is beyond their means would be welcome to make a lower commitment—for example, $10 a month 


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Peace in Solitude