In gratitude for a noble experiment


This month our good friends Padmadharini and Elaine sold and moved out of their home of the last few years in New Jersey. Their home was also known as the Blue Sky Retreat center, and they generously made their space available to our sangha for the last three years to hold several retreats, meetings and gatherings. This required often great effort, efforts that were visible but also often behind the scenes. I am forever grateful for their noble and altruistic experiment, and for the various ways in which Blue Sky has enriched our sangha life. As Elaine and Padmadharini close this chapter of their lives and set out to new adventures -- still in the Greater New York Area, lucky for us! -- I would like to express heartfelt gratitude behalf of the Council, and to wish them well.

Triratna New York Buddhist Community


[Sangha Profile] Syma - “Life as Art, Art as Life”