Led By: Samayasri & Sukhamaya
Monday evenings, 4 weeks
April 7th to April 28th, 2025
6:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. EST
Online via Zoom
Course Description:
After the Buddha’s enlightenment, he sat in meditation absorbing the transformation. Brahma Sahampati appeared to the Buddha in a blaze of light and begged him to go forth and teach the Dharma for the welfare of the world. The Buddha then had a vision of a great pond of lotuses. Some of the lotuses were in the mud, some were deep underwater, and some were still buds. But some were opening and breaking the surface! This is the mythic dramatization of spiritual rebirth: the moment in which Wisdom (real spiritual death) transforms into Compassion (real spiritual rebirth).
Join us for this four-week course as we explore how all human beings have the potential for Buddhahood!
Brief meditation
Week’s leader will discuss the material
Small group discussion
Reconvene with the entire class
Short closing meditation (if time permits)
About the Leaders:
Samayasri is a Senior Order Member in Triratna who served as Chair of the NY-NJ Sangha for many years. She also serves as President of the San Francisco and Vancouver, BC Sanghas. Samayasri is a dedicated practitioner, teacher, and leader. She has taught meditation for over 20 years and has a deep commitment to her ethics and confession practice. Her practice directly informs her career in global humanitarian & development organizations, within which she has learned to face deeply into suffering.
Sukhamaya is a long-term member of the Triratna Community dating back to her youth in India, where she practiced with her local Sangha and served as a host and translator for visiting Order Members from all over the world. Sukhamaya recently entered the Order, capping her many decades of dedicated practice and service to the Community.
Course Registration:
Complete the Google Form below.
Payment Info: