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Moving Through the World with an Open Heart (Online International Triratna Event)

Hosted By: Jayachitta
Sunday, December 4th, 2022
4:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EST

Online via Zoom

Event Description:

Tonglen is a meditation practice centered around compassion in response to the sufferings of the world. The word 'tonglen' means "to send out and to receive". The practice is closely related to the training of the Bodhisattva, whose heart opens unconditionally to all life and all living beings.

Pema Chödrön says: "All sentient beings without exception inherent tenderness of the heart, its natural tendency to love and care for others. But over time, in order to shield ourselves from feeling pain and discomfort, we have erected solid barriers that cover up our tenderness and vulnerability."

In these uncertain times, full of change and, sometimes, fear, how can we remain open and become still when we are truly aware of the sorrows around us? How can we, without closing ourselves off, be fully present here in this moment, and experience that we too are a part of the world?

This day retreat is an introduction to Tonglen's practice in a form that involves the body and voice. We will be using movement improvisation and meditation. No prior experience is necessary. You can expect to experience joy on this event!

The morning and evening sessions will give the context to the main practice, which will be introduced in the afternoon.

This day involves three sessions to allow maximum participation internationally across time zones. Feel free to attend as many as you wish.

Session Times:

First daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 01:00 | México 03:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09:00 | Europe CET 10:00 | India 14:30 | Australia AEST 20:00 | New Zealand NZST 22:00

Second daily session (2.5 hrs): USA PST 05:30 | México 07:30 | USA EST 08:30 | IE & UK 13:30 | Europe CET 14:30 | India 19:00 | Australia AEST 00:30 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 02:30 (next day)

Third daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 10:30 | México 12:30 | USA EST 13:30 | IE & UK 18:30 | Europe CET 19:30 | India 00:00 (next day) | Australia AEST 05:30 (next day) | New Zealand NZST 07:30 (next day)

Event Registration:

Register at the link below.


Suggested donation for the daylong retreat.

£20-35 | $25-45 | €25-40

Get one ticket and come to any session you wish!

This event is offered by donation rather than charging a compulsory ticket price. We want to do this because know many are struggling financially through the pandemic. The amount we suggest reflects the huge amount of work and love that goes into putting on events we hope will benefit everyone attending. If you can, please donate today to help us continue with our work, support Dharma teachers who very generously lead events with us, and support others to attend who cannot afford to pay. Thank you!

About the Host:

Jayachitta has been a Buddhist since 1981, and has lived and worked with other Buddhists for much of that time. She has a deep love of performance as a gateway into the infinity of human expression. Explorative improvisation, movement and clowning are very important to her as supportive approaches to spiritual life, because these are based in physical expression and play. Jayachitta sees this kind of practice as an interactive way of entering and exploring the space that one discovers in meditation.

December 3

New Jersey In-Person Retreat: "Gatha Walk" on a Day of Mindfulness & Practice

December 10

The Breath of Change: The Ancient Art of Letting Go and Accepting (Online International Triratna Event)