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The Breath of Change: The Ancient Art of Letting Go and Accepting (Online International Triratna Event)

Hosted By: Yashobodhi
Saturdays: December 10, 17, 24 and 31
Sundays: December 11, 18, 25 and January 1st

Online via Zoom - see session times below

Event Description:

This holiday season, The Buddhist Centre Online will again host our annual event offering Tonglen practice with Yashobodhi. If you want some space and peace over Christmas and New Year, join us for 'The Breath of Change.’ You will be in excellent company!

Before we can let go suffering it needs to be received into awareness. Tonglen, a Tibetan word for sending and receiving, is a meditation that is timeless, yet utterly suitable for the challenges of any time. There are plenty of challenges in our world and practicing Tonglen can help you relate both to your experience and to the experience of others.

Difficult times can be the base material for compassion. Let’s look after ourselves and others by turning towards our struggles–and extend a hand and a breath to others during the holidays.

Attend any or all meditations in Zoom.

This event will be recorded and may be published online for others to access. Only the leader's video will be used unless by permission. Private conversations in breakout rooms will not be recorded.

Session Times:

Saturdays: December 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st
Sundays: December 11th, 18th, 25th and January 1st

This event involves sessions at different times to allow maximum participation internationally across time zones. Feel free to attend as many as you wish.

Sessions on Saturdays December 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st: USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | India 00:30 | Australia AEDT 06.00 (Sunday) | New Zealand NZDT 08:00 (Sunday)

Sessions on Sundays December 11th, 18th, 25th and January 1st: USA PST 01:00 | México 03:00 | USA EST 04:00 | IE & UK 09:00 | Europe CET 10:00 | India 14:30 | Australia AEDT 20.00 | New Zealand NZDT 22:00

Event Registration:

Register at the link below.


Suggested donation for the whole series.

£90 / $125 / €100 or £10 / $15 / €12 per day

Get one ticket and come to any session you wish!

This event is offered by donation rather than charging a compulsory ticket price. We want to do this because know many are struggling financially through the pandemic. The amount we suggest reflects the huge amount of work and love that goes into putting on events we hope will benefit everyone attending. If you can, please donate today to help us continue with our work, support Dharma teachers who very generously lead events with us, and support others to attend who cannot afford to pay. Thank you!

About the Host:

Yashobodhi went on her first Buddhist retreat in the mid nineties and has been teaching Buddhism, meditation and mindfulness in different settings for over 15 years. She regularly leads retreats in the UK as well as internationally. She is originally from the Netherlands, but has lived and worked in the UK since 2010. She left her full-time position at the West London Buddhist Centre in 2018, but still teaches a weekly class, now on Zoom. In the last few years she has been teaching mindfulness and meditation in a range of contexts and continues to do so online post-pandemic.

December 4

Moving Through the World with an Open Heart (Online International Triratna Event)

January 3

Sangha Night!