Karuna USA formally launched on Nov 6th, 2021, to our Triratna Buddhist Community.

Founded by Ananta and Samayasri from our community, Karuna USA aims to become an important deliverer of advocacy and programmatic support to local grassroots organizations working on issues of poverty, discrimination and exclusion in South Asia. Through doing so we will broaden understanding and support for Dr Ambedkar’s vision of Buddhist-based social change whilst also enhancing Triratna’s voice and presence within the Americas.

Social and economic systems with high levels of inequality hurt everyone’s progress. Working together we can challenge these systems and ensure access to a fair and decent life for all. Karuna USA stands in solidarity with those communities barred from achieving this right, and especially with women whose empowerment is key to the transformation of societies.

Together with our local community partners, we work to ensure that those living in abject poverty, forced into bonded labor, or dehumanized by a social designation such as “low caste” can access opportunities for a better life. As a result:

  • Education for All: Girls and boys from disadvantaged backgrounds can get an education, and break the cycle of poverty instead of being forced into child-marriage;

  • Gender Equality: Women survivors of rape, violence and other violations can be supported with a range of services, including psychological and social support, and legal counsel to access justice; and

  • Dignified Livelihood: Women and men in our communities can get dignified jobs other than those mandated by their caste designations (e.g., sewer or latrine cleaner, sweeper, disposer of dead cattle).

Karuna USA mobilizes people in the United States to become supporters of this work. We identify resources and champions of our work, and engage partners with similar operations to uplift marginalized groups in South Asia.

Watch the launch video of KARUNA USA

 Some key points include:

  • How inequality is perpetuated through social and institutional mechanisms in South Asia and the United States through similar practices

  • Dr. Ambedkar’s inspiration through his legal, social and spiritual leadership

  • How Karuna USA will be in deep learning mode to figure out how we can contribute to these issues in the United States

Fundraising as Right Livelihood and Spiritual Practice

In the summer of 2014, a team of women spent six weeks knocking on doors in Manchester, UK to raise money for Karuna, helping some of the poorest people in India and Nepal.

By working with their own obstacles to better develop openness and responsivity, they were able to encourage hundreds of new donors to give regularly to Karuna, creating benefit for thousands of people in South Asia - all while changing themselves in a positive way in the process. 

Learn more about Karuna’s approach to integrating Right Livelihood, spiritual practice and fundraising for humanitarian projects.

An international movement

For over 40 years, the Karuna movement—a network of partners in India, Nepal, Bangladesh the UK, Germany and the USA—has mobilized resources to transform the lives of millions in South Asia. Through partnerships with local organizations run by community members, Karuna supports 46 projects across South Asia which collectively reached 350,000 people in 2022


“Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.”

— Quote Person