The College of Public Preceptors, 2018
Taking Responsibility for our History
Before he died, Sangharakshita publicly apologized for his behavior and the harm it caused. Also our College of Preceptors (senior most body of Triratna), made a further statement, as did more recently the "Adisthana Kula" -- this is a team of senior leaders at our HQ who are receiving and addressing grievances.
Furthermore, in 2017 one of our senior teachers, Subhuti, has also publicly apologized for the wrong views about women he expressed in a publication from 1994 no longer in circulation.
Our College of Preceptors and Safeguarding team have chosen a restorative approach both to address historical issues, but also to integrate into our culture and practices to address anything current or future. This has involved working with an outside agency and consultant. More information about this can be found here and here.
Our most recent global safeguarding policies and ethical guidelines are linked here. These are then locally adapted in the various countries and contexts where our Order has activities.
Our College of Preceptors reiterated in 2017 the importance of teachers and students not becoming sexually involved.
More recently, the Triratna ethics team at our HQ has also put in place a "panel" process, which includes a non-Triratna former judge or lawyer, to review cases of ethical breaches where expulsion or suspension might be in question. Luckily this is extremely rare, but the structure is in place should it be needed.
Also, our safeguarding practices and policies are to be reviewed by an outside agency, as stated in a a recent update on the work being done.
There have been waves of media coverage over the years -- all of which have been helpful in accelerating the process of reckoning and healing. Unfortunately, there has also been quite a bit of inaccurate information on-line. Our Order keeps a FAQ open to the public as well as an archive of how we have dealt with our history in the past. This states what the facts are, as far as they are known to date, and what we are doing or have done about them. This resource is frequently updated to address new questions and concerns, as well as new information (or misinformation).
To make a complaint about Triratna NY, please contact the Council. You can read our local grievance policy here.
You can also report a concern on our central platform here.