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Road Trip to Six Flags Great Adventure

Yes, it can be tough navigating life’s ups and downs, and practice helps. But what about spending some time riding REAL ROLLER COASTERS? Here’s your chance.

Srisara and Gary Baker are organizing a trip to Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ for Sunday, October 2. We’re likely to have cars departing from NYC and also from the vicinity of Stockton, NJ, where Srisara and many other Triratna NY members live. We’ll probably try to arrive at the park before or near their 11 am opening time, to beat the lines. We’re likely to head home by late afternoon. Six Flags is about an hour and a half from the George Washington Bridge, and under an hour from Stockton.

If you haven’t experienced Kingda Ka, Nitro, Medusa, Superman, or the other exceptional coasters at Six Flags, or if it’s been a while, you’re in for a treat. If you’re interested, email Srisara or Gary at your earliest convenience.

September 16

Ten Ways to a Better Buddhist life: Essential Wisdom from the Deer Park

October 1

NJ Day Retreat