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Finding Peace in a Mad World

Teachers: Padmadharini & Ananta
Tuesday Evenings 
6:30 PM - 8:15 PM EDT
April 5th - May 31st 2022
skips May 17th
Online via Zoom

‘May you live in interesting times’ so the Chinese curse goes. And we have no shortage of interesting times: war and violence, inaction on climate change, global pandemic, social injustices, threats to democracy, not to mention personal worries and concerns. 

That we care about suffering around us and in the world at large is a great thing. It can lead to compassionate reflection and action. Yet it can also lead to unhealthy responses - anxiety, stress, apathy, avoidance.

This eight-week journey will be guided by two experienced and certified mindfulness teachers on how to work with overwhelm and find peace that leads to compassionate responses. Based on Buddhist wisdom, mindfulness and compassion-based approaches, you will learn how to work more effectively with these challenges, and live more from a place of more choice and wholehearted engagement.

Each class will include periods of practice, dialogue, Dharma teaching and discussion.



Please register at the highest level your generosity offers
April 2

Buddhist Life Hacks for your 20s

April 9

Triratna Day: What the World Needs Now