Waking up, in community.
Triratna NY • NJ is dedicated to supporting the development of spiritual friendship among people who wish to experience the benefits of Buddhist practice and meditation and believe that it can make a constructive contribution to the modern world.

Find your seat!
Our gift to you: a handbook to help you establish or tune up a supportive meditation posture.
Featured Events
Balanced Practice
Triratna’s approach to practice includes a balance of meditation, ritual, study, community and integration of practice into all matters of daily life. We emphasize a whole-life perspective. We are grounded in the traditional 3-fold training of ethics, meditation and wisdom, with a modern outlook.
Spiritual Friendship
We take the teachings of the Buddha on spiritual friendship very seriously, and have held a particular emphasis on the Sangha jewel since our inception. We support and encourage the development of meaningful connections grounded in our shared practice, as vehicle for liberation and an antidote to individualism.
Arts as Practice
Creative expression is important aspect of spiritual life in Triratna. Similar to the larger Triratna network, our NY Community includes many artists of all different kinds. Even if we are not all “professional” artists, most of us engage with one or more art forms as a part of our Buddhist practice.
Compassion in Action
Triratna has a long history of engagement in larger societal and ecological causes, stemming from the vision of creating “a blueprint for a New Society” as our founder put it. We have deep connections to the Buddhist conversion movement sparked by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and his heartfelt commitment to justice, in India and well beyond.
From the Blog